Home Lifestyle Three woman walks into a salon.

Three woman walks into a salon.

A redhead walks into a salon

A redhead walks into a salon and the hairstylist says: “your hair is gorgeous”

The redhead runs her hand through her hair and says: “It’s natural”

Then a brunette walks in and the stylist says: “I love your hair”.

The brunette runs her hand through her hair and says it’s natural.

Then a blonde with green streaks walks in and the stylist says “That’s different…”

The blonde sneezes wipe it on her hand and runs her hand through her hair and says,



“It’s natural!”

Lol, did you laugh? We hope you have a good time enjoying this joke!

Three blondes were having a picnic in the park.

Three blondes were having a picnic in the park.

One of them took out a can of “one-calorie” diet cola and poured it equally into three cups.

She drank hers and the second one did the same but the third blonde just stared at her cup suspiciously.



“I wonder who got the calorie?” she asked.