You probably think you’re smarter than a middle schooler. If you want to know for sure, try your hand at this basic math problem. It’s harder than it looks — even if you think you have a solid grasp of good old PEMDAS.
9 – 9 ÷ 9 + 9 – 9 ÷ 9 = ?
Can you work it out? Give it a try, and once you think you have the right answer, scroll down to see what all the controversy is about and what the correct answer is.
Here is the answer:
9 – (9 ÷ 9) + 9 – (9 ÷ 9) = ?
9 – (1) + 9 – (1) = ?
Then we move on to solve addition and subtraction from left to right as follows:
(9 – 1) + 9 – 1 = ?
(8 + 9) – 1 =?
17 – 1 = 16
Is this the same answer that you arrived at? If so, congratulations! Not everyone is able to solve it