Home Lifestyle Riddle: Where does Christmas come from before Thanksgiving

Riddle: Where does Christmas come from before Thanksgiving

If you’re hosting Christmas dinner at your house this year and are in need of some kid-friendly Christmas activities and festive party games for the family, these Christmas riddles will keep everyone happy.

Challenge yourself and your friends with this challenging Christmas riddle. 

1. Where does Christmas come from before Thanksgiving?

2. What do you call a disrespectful reindeer?

3. Why didn’t the stocking want to eat Christmas dinner?

4. Where do Santa and the elves go for a swim?

5. What kind of pictures do elves take?

6. What’s white, red, and blue at Christmas time?

7. Where do snowmen go dancing?

8. Why do mummies like Christmas so much?

Scroll down to check your answer:

1. Answer: In the dictionary

2. Answer: Rude-Dolph

3. Answer: He was stuffed!

4. Answer: The North Pool

5. Answer: Elfies

6. Answer: A sad candy cane!

7. Answer: The snowball

8. Answer: Because of all the wrapping!