Home Lifestyle One day in a language school in Australia.

One day in a language school in Australia.

One day in a language school in Australia.

Teacher: “All right, now I`d like you to make a sentence using the words GREEN, PINK and YELLOW. Who`d like to try?”

A student raised his hand. It was Kukoya from Japan.

Kukoya: “Early this morning, I looked out the window, I saw the GREEN grass and PINK roses in the garden. I went outside and I feel the warm YELLOW sunlight around me.”

Teacher: “Not bad. Okay, who`s next?”

Another student raised his hand. It was Weng from Singapore.

Weng: “I try! I try. Can aaah?”

Teacher “No, no, not you”

Weng: “Aaaiiyaaa… let me try lah… I can do lah… you think I`m stupid meeeh..?”

Teacher: “Okay.. go ahead”

Weng: “This morning I heard the phone GREEEEEN…GREEEEEN… I PINK it up and I said YELLOOOOW?”

My daughter hates school.

One weekend, she cried and fretted and tried every excuse not to go back on Monday.

Sunday morning on the way home from brunch, the crying and whining built to a crescendo.

At the end of my rope, I finally stopped the car and explained, “Honey, it’s a law. If you don’t go to school, they’ll put daddy in jail.”

She looked at me, thought for a moment, then asked, “How long would you have to stay?”

A science teacher asked her students

“Children, if you could own one material, what would it be?”

One girl said, “I would choose gold. It’s worth lots of money and I could buy a Corvette.”

One boy said, “I would want platinum because it’s worth more than gold and I could buy a Porsche.”

The teacher said, “Little Johnny, What would you want?”

Johnny said, “I would want silicone.”

“Why would you want silicone?” Asked the teacher

“Well my mom got some, he replied, “and there’s always a Porsche or Corvette sitting in our driveway.”

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