Home Lifestyle It seems like a regular sequence of numbers, except it’s not! Can...

It seems like a regular sequence of numbers, except it’s not! Can you find an error?

Puzzles are proven to help improve our brain function, logical thinking, and concentration! We love finding challenging puzzles for you to try out so this is a new series of brainteasers for you! What are you waiting for, give it a go!

Can you solve this puzzle?

This one isn’t so hard.

This may look like a simple number sequence to you but it actually has some numbers missing.

Give yourself ten seconds to spot them.

It’s left so many people stumped.

People love scratching their heads over finding the right solution to a puzzle. What about finding one here?

This task requires speed and attention. Looking at every single number is not as fun.

Do we trust what we see the first time or do we need to check again?

It’s so interesting how our brain processes information. We tend to skip numbers believing they are all there.

But, can you spot what numbers are missing?





The answer is that numbers 11 and 32 are missing.

Did you spot this in under ten seconds?

Can You Find The Missing Number? Most People Can’t Do It In Less Than 10s

Most people think they can count to 60. Take this quiz to see if you can easily spot the missing number in the sequence!

Not many people are able to pass this tricky test in less than 10 seconds. But don’t worry! If you get stuck, you can scroll down to check out the answer. Are you up for the challenge? Go for it!

Note: The solution is situated below.

Can you find the missing number in less than 10 seconds?

Were you able to see the missing number? In case no, we can provide the answer for you!

(PLEASE don’t scroll down unless you already gave up answering.)





Yes, that’s right! The Answer is 39!

How fast were you able to find it? Please share it with us in the comment section below! Also, don’t forget to share this with your family and friends for them to be challenged as well!

Comment your answer below 👇