Home Lifestyle Find a Clothespin, a Spatula and a Witch’s Hat.

Find a Clothespin, a Spatula and a Witch’s Hat.

Hidden Picture

These lions are on the lookout for prey, but they haven’t noticed the 11 objects hidden in the picture: an ice cream bar, a clothespin, a snail, a teddy bear, a puppy, a running shoe, an ear of corn, a spool of thread, a spatula, a hairpin, and a witch’s hat.

What can you find?

You only have 60 seconds, for a more interesting challenge, this adds fun and lets you develop your competitive instinct.

To find small details, itβ€˜s vital to focus all your senses β€” you need to concentrate to the maximum.

Have you come up with an answer?








Find the Hidden Animals

In each of the sentences below, the name of an animal is concealed.

The first sentence is marked so you can see how the word “dog” is hidden.

Can you find the animal in each of the other sentences?

1. What shall I do, Gertrude?

2. Asking nutty questions can be most annoying.

3. A gold key is not a common key.

4. Horace tries in school to be a very good boy.

5. People who drive too fast are likely to be arrested.

6. Did I ever tell you, Bill, I once found a dollar?

7. John came late to his arithmetic class.

8. I enjoy listening to music at night.

How many animals can you find?

Scroll down for the answer.








2. Asking nutty questions can be most annoying. (Gnu)

3. A gold key is not a common key. (Monkey)

4. Horace tries in school to be a very good boy. (Beaver)

5. People who drive too fast are likely to be arrested. (Bear)

6. Did I ever tell you, Bill, I once found a dollar? (Lion)

7. John came late to his arithmetic class. (Camel)

8. I enjoy listening to music at night. (Cat)


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