Home Lifestyle Find a “Q” among all the “P’s” in less than 10 seconds.

Find a “Q” among all the “P’s” in less than 10 seconds.

You have 10 seconds: how many letters “q” do you see in the image?

Below we see a puzzle that will help you train your senses. It’s anything but easy, and most people can’t complete the task until time runs out.

In other words, it’s essential to focus if you want to take a chance.

Find all Q’s in under ten seconds.

Here’s today’s challenge. You can find it in the photo below.

It’s an image with a lot of Ps. But there are also some Qs in between. Your job is to find all the Qs in under ten seconds. Here’s the photo. Good luck!

Did you find him? As I said, it’s not complicated.

Below the following image, we show the correct answer.

Here are all the Qs…

How many Qs did you manage to find in ten seconds?

Preview the solution below and compare it to your answer!





So the correct answer is just the letter Q.

Did you find it in due time?

Comment your answer below 👇