Home Lifestyle Elephants Never Forget

Elephants Never Forget


A friend of mine went on a safari in Africa when he came across an elephant.

It’s lying on the ground in distress. He investigates and finds a thorn in its foot. He removes it and the elephant happily trots away.

Twenty years later we were in London on business and were watching a circus procession pass by.

When along comes an elephant, as it gets level with him, it stops, looks straight at him, reaches out with its trunk and lifts him into the air, and smashes him into the ground.



It was a different elephant.

A man got fired from his job

A young wildlife biologist got fired from his first real wildlife job.

Upon his return home, his parents asked him what happened.

“You know what a crew boss is?” he asked.

“The one who stands around and watches everyone else work.” “What’s that got to do with it?” they asked.

“Well, he just got jealous of me,” the young biologist explained.



“Everyone thought I was the crew boss.”

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