Home Lifestyle Can YOU spot the heart hidden among the elephants?

Can YOU spot the heart hidden among the elephants?

Dudás’ latest puzzle asks people to find the heart among the elephants.

Here’s a look at the puzzle: Can YOU spot the heart hidden among the elephants?

you have 30 seconds to find it!

This puzzle has left many viewers unable to find the answer.

One user said, “Excellent! Very difficult for me this time. I love your puzzles. All the details are so fun.”

Another admitted, “I missed it and thought it was somewhere else. Thank goodness for the solution.”

For those struggling to locate the heart, it is nestled in the ear of an elephant of the same color.

If you haven’t find the odd yet, check the answer below:

Can YOU find the fish swimming among the octopuses?

Are you having a good day? Do you want to absolutely ruin it? Try to find the fish among all these octopuses.

This is a tough one, so we’ll give you some time to ponder it. And no, octopuses are not fish, they are cephalopods (and also escape artists). And no, a starfish is also not a fish.

Now, here we go!

How many fish can you find here?

I’ll give you a few hints: the fish is also red, and you should check the left side of the photo. Oh, and you can’t see the entire fish.

OK, still can’t get it? Well, here is the answer

How fast Can YOU find the fish swimming among the octopuses?

source from: the Dudolf