Home Lifestyle Can you solve this letter riddle in less than 3 minutes?

Can you solve this letter riddle in less than 3 minutes?

Need a little break to unwind with a fun brain teaser!

This riddle is for you, not many people can solve it!

Your time limit is 3 minutes!

Riddle: Which 5 letter words in the dictionary can be pronounced the same, even if it has 4 of its letters removed?

The solutions are below. So, if you want to give it one more crack before you see the exact result, don’t keep scrolling.

You’ll regret it.

Stop it.

This is your last chance.




Answer: Queue


back to childhood: Solve These Riddles Without Looking At The Answers.

This back-to-childhood riddle is tough enough to test the resolve of even the most experienced conundrum crackers.

So get comfortable, take the phone off the hook, limber up those mental muscles and get ready to concentrate on the riddle. And, no cheating!

P.S.: This is to solve, so if you’re really stumped then you can scroll down to see the answer:

This five-letter word becomes shorter when you
add two letters to it.
What is the word?

hint: the answer is on the question, only the genius can find it right away!







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