Home Uncategorized Can you find the only creepy-crawly without a matching pair?

Can you find the only creepy-crawly without a matching pair?

Spring has sprung, the days are getting longer, and this brainteaser celebrates the joys of the season.

This brainteaser challenge you to find the only creepy-crawly without a matching pair, can you find it?

look at the picture below:

Only the most eagle-eyed puzzlers will manage to find thethe only creepy-crawly without a matching pair in under 28 seconds.

If you’re struggling to find the heart, turn your attention to the bottom right hand corner of the image.

So, have you been able to spot the different creepy-crawly? If you’re still struggling scroll down for the answer.




Which Snowflake Doesn’t Belong To the picture, can you find it?

Which Snowflake Doesn’t Belong To the picture, can you find it?

In reality, every snowflake has a unique pattern, but in this puzzle only one is different. Can you spot it?

Make sure you look closely at each individual snowflake—one of them is not like the others. Which one doesn’t belong?

Can you find the different snowflake?

Look closely, and you might be able to find it.

Still can’t find it?

Do you need a hint?

there is no hint..

which is the difference?

Keep scrolling to find the answer.




here it is

The sixth snowflake is not like the others. The star in the center has six points, whereas all of the other snowflakes’ stars have five points.