Home Lifestyle An old man walks up to a pawn shop’s counter

An old man walks up to a pawn shop’s counter

An old man walks up to a pawn shop’s counter holding an old, weathered guitar:

“I’d like your expert opinion on this guitar, how much do you think it’s worth?” asks the old man.

The pawn broker looks it up and down. “Well, I can tell right now that there’s a little warping in the neck, the lacquer is faded and there’s scratches and dents all over it. It’s an old, well-played guitar but I don’t think it’s worth any more than twenty bucks.”

The old man reaches his hand out and says, “Okay, if that’s what you think it’s worth.. you have a deal!”

“Great!” replies the pawn broker, shaking his hand.

“Here’s twenty bucks,” says the old man. “I’ll buy it right now!”

The broker stops, and suddenly looks confused.

“Wait…. buy?” he asks.



“Yes!” smiles the old man as he flips the guitar over, “This one has a sticker price of $150, but now that I have your honest opinion I think twenty bucks is a great deal!”

A man got a job as a welders

A man answered an ad that read, “Hiring welders $18-$24 per hour.”

When he arrived he was told he’d have to take a welding test.

He turned in 2 sets of welds. One was a great weld, the other was a mess.



When the boss asked him why he did this, he replied, “One is $18/hr, the other is $24/hr.”

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