Home Lifestyle A trucker pulls over at a diner and orders a cheeseburger

A trucker pulls over at a diner and orders a cheeseburger

A trucker pulls over at a diner and orders a cheeseburger, a cup of coffee, and one slice of cherry pie. While he’s waiting for his food, three huge bikers come in.

When the trucker’s food comes, he doesn’t get the chance to eat it. The first biker takes the trucker’s cheeseburger.

The second biker takes the trucker’s coffee. And the third biker takes the trucker’s slice of cherry pie.

The trucker says nothing, gets up, and walks out of the diner.

A guy at the counter says to the cashier, “Wasn’t really much of man, huh? He didn’t do anything.”



The cashier only replies, “Yeah, not much of a driver either. He just backed into three motorcycles while pulling out of here.”

Little Billy’s mom took him to the grocery store.

Little Billy’s mom took him to the grocery store.

In the middle of the cereal aisle, little Billy yelled out “Mom I have to PEE!”

All the other women smirked and looked judgementally at Billy’s mom as her face turned red like a tomato. She pulled her son close.

“Listen little Billy, I never want you to say that again. Next time you need to use the toilet, just tell me you have to whisper.” She said in a soft voice.

Billy agrees, and life goes on.

That weekend Little Billy and his father take a rowboat out onto the lake and go fishing. Billy told his dad:

“hey dad, I need to whisper.”

To which the father replied:



“Okay Little Billy, come over here and whisper in my ear.”

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