Home Lifestyle A mother noticed her little daughter praying.

A mother noticed her little daughter praying.

A mother noticed her little daughter praying.

“Please, God,” the little girl kept saying.

“Bless my father and my mother and make Melaka the capital city of Malaysia.”

“Why did you make such as strange request?” the mother asked.

“Because that’s what I wrote in my Geography test this morning!”


A man prays for parking space

A man drives to the local mall. He has been driving around and around for quite some time, struggling to find a parking space.

“Lord,” he prays. “I can’t stand this. If you open a space up for me, I swear I’ll give up the drink and go to mass every Sunday.”

Suddenly, the clouds part, and the sun shines on an empty parking spot.

Without hesitation, the man says: “Never mind, found one!”