Home Lifestyle A man was interviewed for the new job

A man was interviewed for the new job

At the interview for the new job I was asked, “What would your friends say are your weaknesses?”

“I don’t have any!” I replied.

The interviewer seemed a little surprised and said, “That can’t be true. Everybody has some weak points.”



I said, “Oh no. You got that wrong. I meant I don’t have any friends.”

Little Tommy asks his mom if he can have some animal crackers.

Little Tommy asks his mom if he can have some animal crackers.

His mom gives him a box of crackers and tells him he can have a few.

His mom leaves and comes back in a few minutes finding all of the crackers on the floor with Tommy looking through them. His mother asks “What are you doing Tommy?”



Tommy replies “It said don’t eat if the seal was already broken. But I can’t find a seal!”

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