A man is talking to God “God, how long is a million years to you?”
God answers, “To me, it’s about a minute my dear”
“God, how much is a million dollars to you?” asked the man
“To me, it’s a penny, my dear,” God replied
“God, may I have a penny?” said the man trying to trick the god
“Wait a minute my dear,” said the God with a smile on his face
There was a blonde driving down the road listening to the radio.
There was a blonde driving down the road listening to the radio.
The announcer was telling blonde joke after blonde joke until the blonde was so mad that she turned her radio off.
A mile down the road, she saw another blonde out in a cornfield in a boat rowing.
The blonde stopped her car jumped out and yelled, “It’s blondes like you that give us all a bad name.
If I could swim I’d come out there and give you what’s coming to you!”