Home Lifestyle A blonde was touring a farm.

A blonde was touring a farm.

A blonde was touring a farm…

…and asked the farmer, “Why doesn’t that cow over there have horns?”

“There are many reasons why a cow doesn’t have horns,” began the farmer.

“Some cows are bred to be hornless. On some cows, the horns come in later. Sometimes, the horns are removed. And on some cows, the horns fall off.



That particular cow doesn’t have horns because it’s a horse.”

did you laugh?


Little Johnny farts in the classroom

Little Johnny farts in the classroom

Little Johnny farts in the classroom and his teacher gets really upset and throws him out. He goes and sits outside the class and start laughing

The principal walks by him then asks:

“Little Johnny, why are you sitting outside your class laughing?”

“I farted in class and the teacher threw me out.” Said the Johnny.

The principal asks him again, “Well then, why are you laughing?”

“Because they are sitting in the class smelling my fart while I’m outside in the fresh air.”