Home Lifestyle A Blonde lady stood in line waiting to pay for her items.

A Blonde lady stood in line waiting to pay for her items.

At a store, a Blonde named Sally stood in line waiting to pay for her items.

Three men stood before her in the line. After 15 minutes Sally realized that the line wasn’t moving at all.

Sally shouted at the cashier, ‘Is this line going to take all day long?’



The cashier replied, ‘Please step aside ma’am and come here. You are standing behind three mannequins.’


A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning

A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning.

The blonde wife picked up the phone, listened a moment, and said,

“How should I know, that’s 200 miles from here!” and hung up.

Curious, the husband said, “Who was that?”



And his lovely wife replies, “I don’t have any idea who it was. It was some stupid woman wanting to know “if the coast is clear.”

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