Home Lifestyle Can you solve this math brain teaser correctly

Can you solve this math brain teaser correctly

This brain teaser has piqued people’s interest and has left them scratching their heads.

The viral brain teaser shows drinks, burgers, and fries, each of which holds value. What you need to do is to find the correct values that each of the items carries.

Take a look at the brain teaser below:

Since being shared on January 9, the tweet has raked up more than 41,700 views, and the numbers are still increasing. The share has also received numerous comments.





Apply the BODMAS rule to solve it correctly. For the unaware, BODMAS is an acronym for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. It explains in which order a particular mathematical expression needs to be solved.

For those looking for the correct answer to this fun brain teaser, first find out the individual values of the drink, the burger, and the fries, and then apply BODMAS.

The value of the drink is 10, the burger is 5, and the fries are 1. Now, applying BODMAS 5 + (1 x 10) = 15.

Thus, the correct answer is 15.

How many of you were able to solve this problem correctly?

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