Home Lifestyle Only 1 in 3 people can find “S” letters in less than...

Only 1 in 3 people can find “S” letters in less than 15 seconds

How many letters can you find?

The challenge is quite simple, but that doesn’t make it easy. Here, your eyes and brain must work together efficiently. Otherwise, it will get tricky.

When I tested them with my colleagues, no one got it right on the first try.

Take a look at this picture filled with 5’s, it seems normal, right? However, there’s a bunch of “S” letters hidden in the picture – How many letters can you find? You only have 10 seconds to do it!

How many were you able to find “S” letters in 10 seconds?

It’s probably more than you think at first sight!

Below we will show you the answer, but certainly, the letters are quite hard to tell apart.





Now it‘s time to see if you got it right, or at least came close.

The correct answer is: there are 10 S’s in the picture!

Comment your answer below 👇