Home Lifestyle Age riddle: How old is my brother?

Age riddle: How old is my brother?

It’s nearly the weekend so it’s time for a fun little riddle! You’re pretty clever if you can solve this one.

When I was 4 years old, my brother was half my age. Now, I’m 18 years.







The Correct Answer

The right answer is 16 years old. Some people may have thought nine, however, if the older brother is 4, and the younger brother is two, that means there is a two-year age gap between them.


Solve this what am I riddle in less than 1 minute, can you?

Regular brain teasers and puzzles that utilize your cognitive skills help to improve your ability to learn, your problem-solving skills, and your memory as you use specific neural networks.

Today, we bring you a fun riddle:

I live in my little house all alone. There are no windows or doors, and if I want to go out I have to break through the wall. What am I?

Because it’s a hard riddle, you have 1 minute to think about the answer.

Can you solve it?

if not, check the answer below:



A chick in its egg.

Comment your answer below 👇