Spot the butterfly among the peonies in a garden-themed brainteaser designed to put observation skills to the test.
According to the creators, the seek-and-find puzzle takes an average of 15-seconds to solve.
But with painstakingly drawn flowers and similar colors throughout – how quickly can you spot it?
Cre: @Hopes Grove Nurseries
Even the most eagle-eyed puzzlers have struggled to find the butterfly due to its color and size.
If you’re in need of a clue, try taking a closer look at the shape of the flowers in the top third of the illustration.
‘The record to find the butterfly is 15 seconds – if you can beat that well done.’
Cre: @Hopes Grove Nurseries
The butterfly can be spotted circled in the top third of the image surrounded by pink flowers.
Did you find it without cheating?
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