Home Lifestyle Expected Apology.

Expected Apology.

A movie is being shown at the theatre.

A girl is returning to her seat and taps the shoulder of a man sitting at the end of a row.

“Excuse me,” she says, “did I step on your toe on the way to the bathroom?”

“As a matter of fact, you did, “replied the man, expecting an apology.

“Oh good,” says the girl, “then this is my row.”

An usher at a movie theatre notices a customer lying across three seats near the back of the theatre.

He tells the customer that he can only take up one seat. The customer just moans and rolls his eyes.

The usher goes to get his supervisor who also tells the customer he must only take one seat or he will call the police. Once again the customer just moans and rolls his eyes.

The supervisor calls the police, who come and tell the customer that he can only take up one seat. “What’s wrong with you?” they ask. The customer just moans and rolls his eyes.

The police officer asks the man, “Where did you come from?”

The man lifts a hand in the air, and says, “The balcony.”

An Awesome Time

A young man showed up to his date’s house and told her they were going to have “an awesome time” that evening.

“What are we doing?” she asked.

“I got three tickets to a concert.”

“Why would we need three tickets?” his date asked.

“The tickets are for your parents and sister.

My grandpa warned people that the Titanic would sink.

He yelled it at the top of his lungs, but everyone ignored him.

Eventually they grew sick of it and threw him out of the movie theatre.

Why do actors hate thieves at the theatre?

They always steal the spotlight.

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